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About the DDA

A DDA is a special purpose district that is established by voters who live, own or lease property in a defined area. It is governed by a Board of Directors, and is intended to foster economic development and revitalization within a downtown area. Both residential and commercial portions of a city are important and necessary elements of its history, character and vitality.

With projects of all sizes, both commercial and residential, programs for non-profits and individuals, developers and businesses, the DDA approach has been widely successful in downtown areas across the country. Through the use of financial tools for new development, as well as redevelopment, they serve as a catalyst for revitalization.

The goal of the Greeley Downtown Development Authority (DDA) is reflected in its Mission & Vision Statements:


To enhance Downtown Greeley’s economic vitality by supporting business growth, advancing public and private development, and fostering community connection.


To establish Downtown Greeley as a vibrant and authentic destination in Northern Colorado.

The DDA works towards its Mission & Vision through:

  • Business Support & Economic Development- grants & incentives, redevelopment projects, marketing efforts, gift card program, promotional partnerships & collaborations, and advocacy efforts
  • Public Realm Enhancement- public art installation, tree lighting, wayfinding signage, window activation, safety & security measures, holiday park lighting, and partnerships
  • Events- Freezy Daze, Blarney on the Block, Cinco de Mayo, Friday Fest, Monster Day, Oktobrewfest, Trick-or-Treat Street, WinterFest, Menorah Lighting and more

From entertainment venues to retail stores, professional services to residential spaces, the Greeley Downtown Development Authority is working to create a vibrant downtown.

In early 2022, the City of Greeley and the Greeley Downtown Development Authority (DDA) initiated Downtown 2032 – The Path Forward, to help guide growth, investments, and improvements in Downtown Greeley over the next decade. We are excited about the future of Downtown!

To see what what we've been up to the past year, check out the 2024 Downtown Greeley Annual Snapshot.

DDA District Map

Greeley DDA MapDownload