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DDA Grants and Incentives

The Downtown Development Authority (DDA) offers grants to businesses and/or property owners in the DDA district to improve facades, increase safety & security, renovate buildings, and redevelop properties. The following grants leverage private investment and bolster the economic sustainability, preservation and public engagement within the downtown district.


Facade Grants: This grant reimburses businesses and/or property owners in the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) for façade renovations. The maximum grant is 50% of total eligible façade expenses, up to $15,000.

Safety & Security Grants: This grant reimburses businesses and/or property owners in the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) for security cameras, motion detection lights and/or security gates. The maximum grant is 50% of total eligible expenses, up to $1,500.

Community Event Grants: This grant reimburses businesses and/or organizations in planning and executing a public event in the Greeley Downtown Development Authority (DDA) District. The maximum grant is 50% of total eligible expenses, up to $1,500.

Building Improvement Grants: This grant reimburses property owners in the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) for comprehensive building renovations that include both exterior façade and fixed interior improvements.

The maximum grant amount is up to 10% of the total eligible building expenses, at no more than 100% of eligible façade expenses, with a grant cap of $100,000. For building improvements creating new ground-level retail or for projects that incorporate rooftop patios, the maximum grant amount is up to 15% of the total eligible building expenses, at no more than 150% of eligible façade expenses, with an expanded grant cap of $150,000.


Retail & Restaurant Rental Assistance: This program seeks to attract new retail and restaurant businesses to the DDA district, with priority for vacant or underutilized ground-level storefronts, by providing new small business owners with an abatement of up to 50% of their annual rent in their first year of occupancy, capped at $10,000.


Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Reimbursements: This multi-year reimbursement program is intended for redevelopment projects that will create a significant impact in the DDA district and generate additional property tax increment.

All DDA grants and assistance programs are offered on an ongoing basis as funding permits. The award amount is based on certain evaluation criteria and availability of funding. For more information, please contact the DDA at (970) 356-6775.