Enterprise Zone State Income Tax Credits
Businesses operating within the boundaries of the EZ map can receive various state income tax credits for equipment investment, new employees, job training, R&D, vacant building rehab, and more. To qualify, businesses must obtain a pre-certification each year prior to engaging in an activity they intend to claim a credit on.
EZ State Income Tax Credit Summary:
- Investment Tax Credits:
- Equipment Credit- 3% of eligible equipment purchases
- Commercial Vehicle Credit- 1.5% of eligible commercial vehicle purchases
- Business Facility New Employee Credits
- New Employee Credit- $1,100 per eligible new employee hired
- Ag Processing Credit- $500 additional per eligible employee hired
- Health Insurance Credit- $1,000 additional per eligible employee hired first 2 years in EZ
- Job Training Investment Tax Credit- 12% of qualified training expenses
- R&D Activities Tax Credit- 3% of increased R&D expenditures
- Jobs Tax Credit- $1,100 per Eligible New Job Created
- Vacant Building Rehab Tax Credit- 25% of eligible rehab expenditures (hard costs)
- Approved Contribution Project Credit- 25% of cash contribution /12.5% of approved in-kind contribution
For more information about these specific incentives, visit Upstate Colorado or contact Cassidy Stubblefield at 970-356-4565 or by email CStubblefield@upstatecolorado.org