Featured Events
Downtown Greeley Friday Fest
Enjoy this free summer concert series every Friday Night from May 31st - September 13th, 2024!
Downtown Greeley Monster Day
Mark your calendars for August 23, 2025 when Monster Day Greeley takes over Downtown again! Check back for more information, including a line-up of activities, to come.
Downtown Greeley Oktobrewfest
Greeley's Oktobrewfest: A weekend of festivities, brews, food, and entertainment in Downtown Greeley! Oktobrewfest 2024 will be held on Fri. Sept 27th and Sat. 28th at the picturesque Lincoln Park in Downtown Greeley.
Downtown Greeley Trick or Treat Street
Trick or Treat Street in Downtown Greeley will be on Halloween night this year: Friday, October 31st 2025 from 4-6pm. Thousands of dressed up families will wrap the streets to collect multiple treats from various downtown businesses. Grab your ghosts and ghouls for a spooky ghoulish time downtown!
Downtown Greeley WinterFest
WinterFest is spread joy over three weekends and is jam packed with Holiday activities! Holiday Open House & Light Up Lincoln will be kicking it off on Saturday, November 30th 2024!
Downtown Greeley Freezy Daze
Embrace the Cold at Freezy Daze in Downtown Greeley! Get ready for an unforgettable winter experience as Freezy Daze takes over Downtown Greeley on Saturday, February 8 2025 from 11-3 PM with lots of BOGO deals, winter activities, and more!
Downtown Greeley Blarney on the Block
Blarney on the Block will be on Saturday, March 14th from 2-6pm in 2026! Everyone is Irish on this day so put it on your calendar and plan to meet us in Downtown Greeley for our 12th Annual St. Patrick's Celebration.